Friday, August 29, 2008

Do me a favor

There are a lot of people who aren't 100% thrilled with Barack Obama. For the record I am not one of them. Although admittedly in the very beginning I was skeptical. And I have an intense love for a little man known as Dennis Kucinich. Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I like his policies, I like his ideas, I like his values. What can I say?

Anyhow, I did my research. I looked at Obama's record, his policies. I read his book "Dreams from my Father" and I have come around to be a T-Shirt wearing, Obama 08' bumper sticker displaying, loud mouthed, argumentative, political pain in the ass. Yes, that is what I have become these days. But i'm ok with it. This election matters a great deal to me. I have found myself wanting to take people and shake them, wake them up. You can't sit around waiting for change to happen with out going out and doing your part to MAKE it happen. And right now we NEED change. We desperately need it.

The primaries were a very tough and bitter battle. I have talked to a great many democrats who voted for Hillary who are just not going to vote now. I think Hillary did a beautiful job the other night at the convention. I still wish she didn't elongate every last word of every sentence but that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Now John McCain has done what I think is a sad, pathetic attempt to get those Hillary supporters to sway his way. He has chosen a woman V.P. And the sad part of it is that in some cases it seems to be working. This woman is as FAR from Hillary Clinton's ideals as you can get. Just because she has an vagina does not mean she is a feminist or even has your best interests at heart. I don't know about you, but I don't trust any woman who doesn't defend a womans right to choose.

This election should not be about gender or race. This election should be about fixing this country that is so incredibly broken after 8 years of the Bush/Cheney Administration. Right now the polar ice cap is melting more rapidly than ever before because of global warming. Right now our current president is trying to weaken the endangered species act taking scientists completely out of the equation and leaving corporations in control. Right now there are still people dying in a war that should have never been started. Right now the economy is in the worst shape it's been in since Bush senior was in office.

If you aren't going to vote because you wanted Hillary to win. Or if you aren't going out to vote because you aren't 100% happy with Obama you are letting the republican party into the White house for another 4 years at least. I understand not being excited about a candidate. Do you think I was excited about John Kerry? Honestly, how can anyone get excited about that man? But did I sit at home on election day and do nothing? No I went and I voted AGAINST Bush.

John McCain has voted with Bush 95% of the time. Even if you aren't thrilled with Obama you have to realize that he is 10,000 better than having another 4 years of Bush-like policies. I am this very strange mix of emotions right now. Part of me is so excited to feel a hope for this country that I have never felt before. And the other part of me is scared to death that the republican party will get back into office.

So please i'm begging you, if you are one of those people who doesn't think your vote matters, or is bitter about the primaries or I don't know. This race is going to be close, so think about the alternative and please, please go vote for Barack Obama. If you don't feel like doing the research I have done it for you. Email me and I will send you where they stand on the issues. I will also send you a breakdown of exactly why offshore drilling isn't going to make a difference when it comes to the price of gasoline because that is something I am also pretty pissed off about.

If you have actually read this far thank you. This will be my last political rant/plea. I promise.
