Friday, May 14, 2010

Things people do that make me want to smash things...

1) If I let you go in traffic WAVE THANK YOU. It's not hard, it's just a little wave of the hand. I bet you don't even burn 1/8 of a calorie doing it. It's just the polite thing to do, and really what is your excuse for not doing it? I just stopped my car and let you into traffic...the least you can do is say thank you, you rude motherf*cker.

2) Don't mass text me. I'm sorry you are feeling lonely today, and I'd like to help but if you can't be bothered to send me a message meant for my eyes only than you can piss right off.

3) Do NOT mass facebook message me unless I am supposed to be having a conversation with the other people you sent a message to. Do you realize that everyone that replies to that effing thing also sends ME a message? If you are planning an event, why not make an FB invitation? That way my inbox isn't filled up with all of your friends replies.

4) Control your OFFSPRING. If I am in a public place and your kid is running all over the place, in some instances running directly into me then you aren't doing your god damn job as a parent. There are also exceptions to this, I know sometimes people have no choice, they are having a bad day, they have to take more than one kiddo to the store ect. That's different than people who are just all "la la la I am going to ignore my kid and grocery shop because I am too lazy to try to calm then down." If I dare to go to a kid friendly place then I will expect to be plowed into...fine. However grocery shopping is a miserable experience for me as it is, I don't need your kid running up and down the aisle and smashing into me. He/She probs shouldn't be running in the store ANYWAY he could slip and fall and break his/her face. Those floors are slippery...

5) Do not try to shove your shitty opinion down my throat and then get all huffy and personally insulted when I disagree with you. I am opinionated as hell. There are times where I post articles or I voice my displeasure about political issues. I can do that, it's my opinion and it's my blog/facebook/whatever. You can type until the cows come home but you aren't going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours. I will probably just end up thinking you're an asshole.

6) I can't think of a six right now, this cranky pants blog is a work in progress....