Thursday, June 10, 2010

Things that make me happy

So those of you that know me know that I am not an excitable girl. I don't get all "squeeee omg" like most girls. It's just not in my nature. However today I picked up our first share of this years CSA and I literally skipped back to the car with my goods.

Right now I am eating local garlic and herb goat cheese on wheat crackers and admiring my peonies. To my left are HUGE shares (all organic) of chard, asian spinach, salad mix, radishes, arugula, beets, hydroponic basil and strawberries. Happy Happy Happy!! Since I suck at gardening this is AWESOME. I had the best garden intentions but right now the only things thriving in there are weeds.

Also I did some baking this afternoon for my first cupcake order and when I came home the entire house smelled like s'more cupcakes. So yeah it's drizzly and 50 something degrees out, yes I did have to turn on the heat today but in the end this day is ok. Also i'm ordering pizza tonight so I don't have to cook score. Oh yeah and the state sent me that $2,500 they owe me. (Don't ask to borrow any, I have a credit card to pay off)

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