Sunday, May 4, 2008

I can haz daschund?

Big news in the Sully household! The newest member of our estrogen charged clan will be arriving home this Wednesday evening. Anna Belle the miniature, short haired daschund will be coming to live with us. I've spent the evening googling the breed and the best way to train them. I also purchased not one, but TWO dog training books. Neurotic much?

I also stocked up on all the essentials. Food, treats, nail clippers, food bowls, shampoo ect. And today I've learned something slightly sickening about myself. Apparently, when faced with pink frilly dog accessories I turn into Paris Hilton. Anna Belle has a pink leopard print bed waiting for her. She also has a pink leash and a pink collar that has cup cakes on it. Oh and her food bowl mat? Also pink and leopard print.

I don't quite know what got into me. Have no fear though, i've not totally gone over the edge. I did not buy a dog "purse" Nor did I buy any of those stupid dog outfits, and I don't foresee myself ever buying one. If I do, please stage an intervention. Seriously, I don't like people who put their dogs in uncomfortable dog clothing. The dogs hate it, you can tell. They look so.....ashamed and humiliated.

So yeah, soon my blog that was supposed to be comprised of my sarcasm soaked rants and music suggestions will be littered with puppy photos. I know you're excited, it's ok.

Other noteworthy topics for this week are:

It's May...why the FUCK is my heat on?

People are being bitten by rabid animals on Cape Cod. Big thanks to Mitt Romney for bringing rabies to The Cape!! We had a good run there folks, but for now you should probably stay far away from that raccoon that's out in broad daylight.

"Dan in Real Life" is a very good movie. "Lars & the Real Girl"? NOT so much.

That's all I got for tonight. I need to go read my "Dog Training For Dummies" book.

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