Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just random updates and bitching.

Right now I should be writing a 1500 word rough draft that is due tonight at midnight. However, I am such a miserable lump I can't bring myself to do it. I am half naked in my bed because I do not want anything touching me. It is 84 degrees in my apartment. Yesterday it was 94. I have a total of 5 fans going full blast and they don't appear to be doing much to combat this stagnant, humid disgustingness.

I have headache that I cannot get rid of. I miss my mothers pool. My wisdom teeth have decided today is a good day to cause me jaw pain. I am officially a cranky, achy, old person.

Tomorrow according to should be a full 8 degrees cooler. Tomorrow (I hope) should be a better day. I am going to sit in insanely good seats at Fenway. Partake in the eating and drinking of overpriced hot dogs and beer (respectively). And revel in the Sox hopefully kicking the crap out of the Oh's. Tomorrow (I pray) my apartment will be cooler and more conducive to me writing this 1500 word paper I have procrastinated writing until it was too late to get full credit.

The older I get, the less tolerant I am of anything it seems. It is only June 11 and I am already SO sick of tourists. Do yield signs only exist in Massachusetts? Lately i'm starting to think so. CLEARLY they don't exist in Connecticut or New York. Or at least people from those states must not obey them. And i'm not going to even start talking about rotaries.

Despite the heat, my headache and my wisdom teeth things are just peachy. Don't let my complaining make you think otherwise. I (even with my recent procrastination) still have a 4.0. Granted i've only taken 3 classes so maybe it's not such a big feat but it's better than NOT getting all A's in my first 3 classes.

Sierra is doing pretty well. Lately she's been acting like a moody teenage girl but hey, she seems to be snapping out of it. I'm sure this heat isn't helping her mood either. (Is it very obvious she and I spent last summer living in a house with central AC and an inground pool?) I can't believe she's nearly done with kindergarten already. Time has flown, and I can only imagine it will continue to fly by faster each year. That seems to be the way life is going. Friday I am going on the class field trip to the zoo. It should be interesting...

Scott is also doing well. He's moving into his new apartment which is quite cute. And i've recently realized that for the first time in my life, i'm in a relationship for over and year and I still adore my significant other. Usually by a year, I can't stand them. But it's been well over that, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Ok i'll stop being sappy now..sorry. It's just kind of a big deal for me.

Anna Belle has grown quite a bit. She's a little nuts but I love her just the same. One morning when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was her cute little head lying on top of her paws on the pillow next to me. Moments like that make me forgive her for peeing on my comforter three times and waking me up at 530 am frequently.

I finally painted my bathroom, though I have yet to put up the new towel/toilet paper racks.

I got some chairs and a little table for my deck. I spent a few hours this weekend out there reading/eating ice cream/drinking beer. It was pretty nice. It wasn't my MOTHERS POOL, but it'll have to do. I've been considering purchasing a slip & slide. Or making one, but I have run that by Dan.

Ok i'm too tired to write anymore. goodnight.

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