Monday, September 22, 2008

All the things I should be saying, but can't until I have another job lined up

Dear Evil Boss,
I'm not sure what planet you came from, maybe you just emerged from the fiery pits of hell. Either way I have determined that you do not have so much as ONE redeeming quality. You are the most ignorant, self absorbed, tactless, idiotic person I have EVER had the displeasure of working with. And believe me, in 15 years of food industry service jobs i've worked with some doozies. But you Sir, you take the cake.

Not recycling isn't funny. George W. Bush is not an intelligent man. Cat Country is not "shit kicking music." Neil Bortz is an ASS. Your gas guzzling SUV is a piece of shit. Your "pool" is the weakest excuse for a pool i've ever seen. Did you get that out of the sears catalog? I think we had that exact one when I was growing up and was less than 4 feet tall so it was actually a big deal.

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