Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's been awhile...

So I haven't written in this thing since September of 08' I guess. It doesn't seem like I stopped that long ago but I guess I did. Lately I have been feeling more like writing so here I am.

I guess to get you up to speed (although if you're reading this i'm pretty sure you know all of this already) it's been a rough couple of years. One of my very best friends passed away in a car accident a year ago Saturday. My grandfather was diagnosed with and passed away from ALS. And Scott's mother lost her battle with cancer.

There has been good as well. Sierra is growing up and is just as rad as ever. Scott and I moved into a very cool house this past october and I got Layla back. We had a really great vacation in Colorado this past summer. We also went on a week long road trip with stops in Ohio (it was better than you'd think!), DC (Yay Jon Henry!), MD, NJ, and W Virgina.

I was laid off and then got a job at a bakery that I don't hate. I have been able to get some photography work which is nice. Although for the most part I find weddings to be a total snooze fest. At least traditional ones...I do have one coming up in October that I am very excited about.

I don't know not much else. I shut down creatively for the most part when things got bad. I haven't *really* played my guitar since Michelle passed away. I think it's interesting because people say that the best creativity comes out of sadness, out of depression. I don't find myself being terribly inspired to do anything but sleep and occasionally when no one is around wallow in self pity.

I don't know if this is a sign that I am coming out of it, or if this urge to write is just a passing phase. I guess we'll see...

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