Saturday, April 10, 2010

So we're getting married!

As most of you know...I've done this before. Only it was under very different circumstances and I was taking one for Team Sullivan. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts I could *not* just suck it up and live the rest of my life miserable and with a partner who I did not mesh with at all. Steve isn't a bad guy, but we are like oil and water and it makes for a chaotic marriage.

Oh my god they are making fresh tortillas on the television and I want one in my belly right now.

Yeah so anyway, Steve and I not so much. I swore I'd never get married again. Never ever. What's the point? It's just a piece of paper. I never like anyone after a year of dating anyway, how I am going to spend the rest of my life with someone?

And then there was Scott.

Oh come they are stuffing squash flowers with cheese. I wish Sierra would change the channel this is extremely distracting.

3.5 years later not only can I tolerate Scott, but I might love him more now than ever. He's my very best friend, and I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life with him. Scott is probably the nicest, most sincere person I have ever met. He listens when you talk, he genuinely cares about people and he says some of the funniest things out of absolutely no where.

Our politics are the same, our taste in music, movies and sense of humor are all very similar. He still thinks I'm beautiful when I am wearing my old lady nightgown and he brings me tea in bed. I don't really know how I got so lucky, but I am so thankful that I did.

So here we are, engaged. I'm thrilled but I'm tweeking about wedding planning. There is a part of both of us that just wants to take off to vermont, go to the top of a mountain or a farm and get married. No pressure, no one staring at us, but then we think..."How else are we going to get our friends and family from all over the country together in one place for an epic party?"

We're not. So I think we are planning a wedding. Thankfully last year I attended two really fantastic weddings that made me feel a little better about weddings. I cannot STAND cheesy traditional weddings. I don't want people to confuse this with me being cantankerous and disliking love. I LOVE love, but uber cheesy engagement photos, save the date cards with the bride and groom in some lame posed setting, engraved cake cutters, and way over the top extravagant food and flowers ect. That stuff grates on my nerves. It just does. Oh and bad music oh no no noooooo. Oh please for the love of god do NOT play bad music, or have any sort of group dancing going on like the electric slide or the chicken dance.

It shouldn't annoy me really. It's the cheesy peoples day, good for them! It does though. I'm a snob in really weird ways, but I admit it so...that's the first step to not being a total asshole right?

Anyway I'm rambling the point is, I'm glad that I attended some weddings that weren't super lame. I'm glad I didn't go home from those weddings with shell shaped chocolates as a wedding favor. In fact the last one I went too, they donated money in our name to the American cancer society. Brilliant. I think we might follow their lead and do that at ours.

What I want is a really awesome party for our friends, but I also want it to be full of personal touches. We also money so this poses a rather interesting problem. It's not like Scott and I are going to have ice luges for shots or chocolate fountains or some crazy ass over the top flowers and cigar rollers, but even my modest ideas are pricey when you times it by 100 people.

So I think I need to take some deep breaths and make a list. I do NOT want to be one of those crazy brides who does nothing but talk about her wedding planning. Actually you have my word that I will keep my wedding planning blogage to a minimum. I just had to put this somewhere because it's all looming and I feel like I will explode if I don't put something somewhere.

Anyway if anyone has any tips or is a really awesome seamstress, knows a good (cheap) photographer or can make killer handmade wedding invitations let me know. I have an idea for the invites but I think if I tried to make them myself it would end with me throwing things, swearing and possibly setting the card stock on fire in a fit of rage.

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