Monday, September 22, 2008

All the things I should be saying, but can't until I have another job lined up

Dear Evil Boss,
I'm not sure what planet you came from, maybe you just emerged from the fiery pits of hell. Either way I have determined that you do not have so much as ONE redeeming quality. You are the most ignorant, self absorbed, tactless, idiotic person I have EVER had the displeasure of working with. And believe me, in 15 years of food industry service jobs i've worked with some doozies. But you Sir, you take the cake.

Not recycling isn't funny. George W. Bush is not an intelligent man. Cat Country is not "shit kicking music." Neil Bortz is an ASS. Your gas guzzling SUV is a piece of shit. Your "pool" is the weakest excuse for a pool i've ever seen. Did you get that out of the sears catalog? I think we had that exact one when I was growing up and was less than 4 feet tall so it was actually a big deal.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Do me a favor

There are a lot of people who aren't 100% thrilled with Barack Obama. For the record I am not one of them. Although admittedly in the very beginning I was skeptical. And I have an intense love for a little man known as Dennis Kucinich. Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I like his policies, I like his ideas, I like his values. What can I say?

Anyhow, I did my research. I looked at Obama's record, his policies. I read his book "Dreams from my Father" and I have come around to be a T-Shirt wearing, Obama 08' bumper sticker displaying, loud mouthed, argumentative, political pain in the ass. Yes, that is what I have become these days. But i'm ok with it. This election matters a great deal to me. I have found myself wanting to take people and shake them, wake them up. You can't sit around waiting for change to happen with out going out and doing your part to MAKE it happen. And right now we NEED change. We desperately need it.

The primaries were a very tough and bitter battle. I have talked to a great many democrats who voted for Hillary who are just not going to vote now. I think Hillary did a beautiful job the other night at the convention. I still wish she didn't elongate every last word of every sentence but that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Now John McCain has done what I think is a sad, pathetic attempt to get those Hillary supporters to sway his way. He has chosen a woman V.P. And the sad part of it is that in some cases it seems to be working. This woman is as FAR from Hillary Clinton's ideals as you can get. Just because she has an vagina does not mean she is a feminist or even has your best interests at heart. I don't know about you, but I don't trust any woman who doesn't defend a womans right to choose.

This election should not be about gender or race. This election should be about fixing this country that is so incredibly broken after 8 years of the Bush/Cheney Administration. Right now the polar ice cap is melting more rapidly than ever before because of global warming. Right now our current president is trying to weaken the endangered species act taking scientists completely out of the equation and leaving corporations in control. Right now there are still people dying in a war that should have never been started. Right now the economy is in the worst shape it's been in since Bush senior was in office.

If you aren't going to vote because you wanted Hillary to win. Or if you aren't going out to vote because you aren't 100% happy with Obama you are letting the republican party into the White house for another 4 years at least. I understand not being excited about a candidate. Do you think I was excited about John Kerry? Honestly, how can anyone get excited about that man? But did I sit at home on election day and do nothing? No I went and I voted AGAINST Bush.

John McCain has voted with Bush 95% of the time. Even if you aren't thrilled with Obama you have to realize that he is 10,000 better than having another 4 years of Bush-like policies. I am this very strange mix of emotions right now. Part of me is so excited to feel a hope for this country that I have never felt before. And the other part of me is scared to death that the republican party will get back into office.

So please i'm begging you, if you are one of those people who doesn't think your vote matters, or is bitter about the primaries or I don't know. This race is going to be close, so think about the alternative and please, please go vote for Barack Obama. If you don't feel like doing the research I have done it for you. Email me and I will send you where they stand on the issues. I will also send you a breakdown of exactly why offshore drilling isn't going to make a difference when it comes to the price of gasoline because that is something I am also pretty pissed off about.

If you have actually read this far thank you. This will be my last political rant/plea. I promise.


Monday, June 30, 2008

Home again, home again

I'm not sure why I can't just revel in happiness, but it's just not a skill I possess. We arrived back on the cape sometime around 2pm today and the reality that I am back to my normal everyday existence has sent me spiraling into some kind of withdrawal/depression. This weekend may have been the best birthday of my life. The only one that may be comparable was my 10Th. And that's only because I got a 4 wheeler, a new bicycle and a pair of grey and pink chucks.

A few key facts about my birthday that you should know before delving into this. 1) It always rains 2) It's typically the most depressing day of the year for me 3) It always rains.

So Saturday morning Scott and I headed out to Vermont. We didn't really have an agenda, I don't like agendas. They make me feel pressured and anxious. Scott booked us a room for Saturday night at The Inn at Shelburne Farms . Shelburne Farms is one of my favorite spots ever. It's incredibly beautiful and there are chickens, sheep, goats, cows, pigs and they are all well taken care of. If you've never been you should go. I can't put into words how rad it is. And get cheese, and bacon don't forget the bacon!

The inn was really cool to be in. How often do you get to stay in a mansion that was built in the 1800's? And 75% of the furnishings are original. So it was pretty novel to be spending the night there. We had 8:30 reservations to eat at their fancy pants restaurant. We didn't fit in, at all. It actually became sort of hilarious. When one of the 4 different people to tend to us came by and shoved "cold rabe from the garden" on our table in little shot glasses we just stared at each other.

"What do you do with this?"

"Drink it?"

"Nope, doesn't smell drinkable."

"Why is it warm? It came right after the bread do we dip our bread in it?"

"It's got curry in it."

"Just ignore it. It will go away."

Later on I watched the diners who sat next to us when theirs was delivered. They drank it down, and marveled at how wonderful it was. Ooops. Maybe next time?

The food was quite good. Though it was so dark I couldn't fully inspect my chicken to make sure there was no pink. I am obsessive about my food and I swear one of the pieces was practically raw. I didn't eat that one, and I'm feeling fine so I think I'm safe. By the time we were finished with dinner it was 10:30. We retired to our room and went to sleep. It was a long day, and we're officially old people now.

The next day was my birthday. I was greeted with a flurry of awesome text messages and a musical voice mail. Scott and I checked out of the Inn and went to Winooski to have breakfast at "Sneakers". We fit it much better there. The kid who brought us to our table complimented me on my clash shirt and I dined on Kahlua dipped french toast and a fresh fruit cup which was (much to my delight) more strawberry and blueberry than various types of melon. I also had coffee and I don't think it was "Green Mountain". Green Mountain Coffee is my only problem with Vermont. That stuff SUCKS. I refuse to drink it and it's EVERYWHERE. I get it, support your state. I love that about Vermont. Local, local local. But guys...your coffee is no good. For real. It's just as bad a Starbucks, and I wouldn't drink Starbucks when I worked there and it was FREE!*

After that it was off to the record stores. Mmmmhmm. I scored "Combat Rock" and "Shock Troops" on vinyl. As well as "Thriller" and "Off the Wall" (best MJ albums EVER!) a Jackson Five album and Scott bought me Crystal Castles when I wasn't looking. Scott fucking rules. Then we went to "City Market" and perused the merch and the customers. This metal kid named "Ivan" (I'm not convinced that is his real name) sold us our T-Shirts. Scott and I have been acquiring a lot of matching T-shirts lately. One day we are going to slip up, wear them on the same day and look like total tools.

Then we took off back to Shelburne and checked into our second inn. The Heart of the Village Inn
I know it's a lame name but it was a pretty sweet place. And apparently we were the only ones staying there that night that were NOT a part of Robert Redford's daughters wedding. Yeah...random.

Then we went out walking around. There is a cool little bookstore, toy store and country store all right there. I bought "Candy Girl" and Armageddon in Retrospect. I also picked up unicorn band aids for Sierra (or were they more for me?) and a Fairy Doll making kit that later turned into a major cause of child meltdown. I'm always great for picking out that sort of thing....

Then we went out to birthday dinner. For years I've wanted to go to Al's . I can't explain my love of diners but it's strong. Milkshakes and burgers, black, white and red color schemes. I don't know, I just love it. What can I say? I had a grilled cheese that was made on a burger bun and cost 91 cents and a cup of fries. Scott had a two dollar double cheeseburger, a cup of fries and a vanilla milkshake. After we got creemies (it's just soft serve. No idea why they call it that) and purchased and delivered a red bull for the overworked/ underpaid pregnant girl who was working a 13 hour shift that day. **

On the way back to the Bed and Breakfast we saw a rainbow. Shortly before that I had glanced over at Scott. He was wearing his newly purchased "Al's French Fry's" Hat and he had put bluegrass on. I don't know who it was, I always assume all Bluegrass is the Stanley brothers but it probably wasn't them at all. Regardless, I looked over at him and I thought "This is why I love Scott. Who else would be so proudly wearing an "Al's french fry" hat and jamming out to bluegrass in a grandma car?" No one...just Scott.

Anyhow, it was nearly 8 o' clock and it hadn't rained all day. I was pretty sure I had tricked the universe by temporarily relocating for my birthday.

We took showers and put on those big cushy robes they always have in Bed and Breakfasts and fancy hotels. I never use them, but damn it, it was birthday! I was going to lounge in a robe! We positioned ourselves in our king size bed and got to reading our new books. I am half way through "Candy Girl" and highly recommend it. Finally it was time for bed, and almost the exact anniversary of my birth. I was born at 10:36pm. As we were milling about getting ready for bed all of the sudden the sky opened up and it began to downpour. I glanced at the clock...10:36. Perhaps I hadn't quite tricked the universe after all. Well, at least it held out until my bed time.

The entire trip was great. I feel so spoiled and I'm not at all used to it. I have new records, books, DVDs, tshirts and memories. Turning 29 might have been one of the best days of my life....

*When I worked at Starbucks we got a lb a free coffee a week. Most of the time I never bothered to get it because I wouldn't drink that crap if you paid me.

**I'm pretty sure pregnant chicks aren't supposed to have energy drinks. But Scott said one red bull wouldn't hurt this lady's fetus. I got her the small can, just in case.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hostile alien take-over? Nah it's just Cicadas

Today on my way home I inadvertently killed 7 cicadas. (I started keeping tabs after #3) In some spots the buzzing was so loud I could hear it over my blaring car stereo. Which, if you've ever driven with me is really blaring. The sound is the strangest thing, it honestly sounds like aliens. Or what i'd imagine an alien ship would sound like landing.

The weirdest part of this cicada thing is that i've not seen a single one in my neighborhood. I get to a certain spot on the way home and suddenly the noise. just. stops. I'm not sure if they just haven't ventured this far and perhaps they will be showing up in a few days? Or..I dunno my imagination could take me far on this one, but i'll refrain so you (assuming anyone reads this junk) don't think i'm totally insane.

In other news I appear to be on the upside of my battle with Bronchitis. Sweet, sweet victory is right around the corner. Thank goodness because i'm sick of being sick and alone. Tomorrow is back to work, oh joy. I guess i'd rather be alone than at that god forsaken place but...what can you do? Gotta pay the stupid bills.

What else? I don't know really. I should be sleeping. Oh have I mentioned how totally in love with my grill I am? Yeah, in love. I grilled corn for the first time this weekend...SO GOOD.

I have more to say but my eye lids are shutting and it's past midnight. I should be getting my rest. Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just random updates and bitching.

Right now I should be writing a 1500 word rough draft that is due tonight at midnight. However, I am such a miserable lump I can't bring myself to do it. I am half naked in my bed because I do not want anything touching me. It is 84 degrees in my apartment. Yesterday it was 94. I have a total of 5 fans going full blast and they don't appear to be doing much to combat this stagnant, humid disgustingness.

I have headache that I cannot get rid of. I miss my mothers pool. My wisdom teeth have decided today is a good day to cause me jaw pain. I am officially a cranky, achy, old person.

Tomorrow according to should be a full 8 degrees cooler. Tomorrow (I hope) should be a better day. I am going to sit in insanely good seats at Fenway. Partake in the eating and drinking of overpriced hot dogs and beer (respectively). And revel in the Sox hopefully kicking the crap out of the Oh's. Tomorrow (I pray) my apartment will be cooler and more conducive to me writing this 1500 word paper I have procrastinated writing until it was too late to get full credit.

The older I get, the less tolerant I am of anything it seems. It is only June 11 and I am already SO sick of tourists. Do yield signs only exist in Massachusetts? Lately i'm starting to think so. CLEARLY they don't exist in Connecticut or New York. Or at least people from those states must not obey them. And i'm not going to even start talking about rotaries.

Despite the heat, my headache and my wisdom teeth things are just peachy. Don't let my complaining make you think otherwise. I (even with my recent procrastination) still have a 4.0. Granted i've only taken 3 classes so maybe it's not such a big feat but it's better than NOT getting all A's in my first 3 classes.

Sierra is doing pretty well. Lately she's been acting like a moody teenage girl but hey, she seems to be snapping out of it. I'm sure this heat isn't helping her mood either. (Is it very obvious she and I spent last summer living in a house with central AC and an inground pool?) I can't believe she's nearly done with kindergarten already. Time has flown, and I can only imagine it will continue to fly by faster each year. That seems to be the way life is going. Friday I am going on the class field trip to the zoo. It should be interesting...

Scott is also doing well. He's moving into his new apartment which is quite cute. And i've recently realized that for the first time in my life, i'm in a relationship for over and year and I still adore my significant other. Usually by a year, I can't stand them. But it's been well over that, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Ok i'll stop being sappy now..sorry. It's just kind of a big deal for me.

Anna Belle has grown quite a bit. She's a little nuts but I love her just the same. One morning when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was her cute little head lying on top of her paws on the pillow next to me. Moments like that make me forgive her for peeing on my comforter three times and waking me up at 530 am frequently.

I finally painted my bathroom, though I have yet to put up the new towel/toilet paper racks.

I got some chairs and a little table for my deck. I spent a few hours this weekend out there reading/eating ice cream/drinking beer. It was pretty nice. It wasn't my MOTHERS POOL, but it'll have to do. I've been considering purchasing a slip & slide. Or making one, but I have run that by Dan.

Ok i'm too tired to write anymore. goodnight.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Dear Dubbya

Thanks for giving the poor single mom, who works full time AND goes to school only $300.00 for her "economic Stimulus check". Maybe that will help with those bullshit gas prices.

fuck you,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm busy!

Anna Belle is here, and she rules. She is for the most part a very good girl. She's much easier than an infant. I think since I survived that, I can survive most anything. Life with a colicky infant is ROUGH!

This week the curse of my car has apparently come back. Monday I got a lovely flat tire. The third in the past six months, but who's counting? And today I started my car and it began to shake, wretch and grumble at me. Then the check engine light reared it's ugly orange face. My dad called me though, and said something about carbon and a spark plug and "easy fix". So that's good news...

I am incredibly busy these days with work/school/family(that includes puppy). This weekend looks promising. Tomorrow is the long awaited return to P-Town with Ali. Oh yes, good times. Saturday I think my friend Jenny Koslow will be visiting. And Sunday i'm making baked Mac & Cheese for my Michelle!! Yay for visitors! Especially since i'm not going anywhere with this new responsibility i've placed upon myself.

She's such a CUTE responsibility though, I just couldn't resist.

If you aren't listening to Arcade Fire, The National and Seabear you're missing out btw. When you stumble across their pure genius in your own time, don't say I never told you so. Since I am in fact, at this very moment telling you so.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I can haz daschund?

Big news in the Sully household! The newest member of our estrogen charged clan will be arriving home this Wednesday evening. Anna Belle the miniature, short haired daschund will be coming to live with us. I've spent the evening googling the breed and the best way to train them. I also purchased not one, but TWO dog training books. Neurotic much?

I also stocked up on all the essentials. Food, treats, nail clippers, food bowls, shampoo ect. And today I've learned something slightly sickening about myself. Apparently, when faced with pink frilly dog accessories I turn into Paris Hilton. Anna Belle has a pink leopard print bed waiting for her. She also has a pink leash and a pink collar that has cup cakes on it. Oh and her food bowl mat? Also pink and leopard print.

I don't quite know what got into me. Have no fear though, i've not totally gone over the edge. I did not buy a dog "purse" Nor did I buy any of those stupid dog outfits, and I don't foresee myself ever buying one. If I do, please stage an intervention. Seriously, I don't like people who put their dogs in uncomfortable dog clothing. The dogs hate it, you can tell. They look so.....ashamed and humiliated.

So yeah, soon my blog that was supposed to be comprised of my sarcasm soaked rants and music suggestions will be littered with puppy photos. I know you're excited, it's ok.

Other noteworthy topics for this week are:

It's May...why the FUCK is my heat on?

People are being bitten by rabid animals on Cape Cod. Big thanks to Mitt Romney for bringing rabies to The Cape!! We had a good run there folks, but for now you should probably stay far away from that raccoon that's out in broad daylight.

"Dan in Real Life" is a very good movie. "Lars & the Real Girl"? NOT so much.

That's all I got for tonight. I need to go read my "Dog Training For Dummies" book.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Albert Hofman

So the "Father of LSD" has passed away. That's right kids, dig out your Pink Floyd records and drop a tab for the Hof man. Just kidding. I think if I were anywhere near LSD again I'd have a heart attack. Oh my, how the years and the birth of a child have changed me.

But wow, an impressive 102 years old. Perhaps LSD is some kind of super preservative and my idiotic teenage "experimenting" will enable me to live an extra long life. can only hope ;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I do not want to purchase any of your hooker clothing. Please advertise somewhere else.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Starting over.

So this is my new space of blogtastic goodness. That's right! The place I will post music i'd like to share. Rants about social injustices. Comics that could potentially be seen as offensive, ect ect. And most likely i'll be the only one who reads this effing thing.
